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WHATAnimeals provides free pet food delivery for seniors and the disabled.
WHYTo ensure that older adults on limited incomes or with limited mobility can keep their pets for companionship as well as promoting good physical and mental health.
WHERE Animeals.
Helen Woodward Animal Center.
San Diego, California, USA.

Program Description

“The mission of AniMeals is to keep pets in their home regardless of the logistical or financial challenges faced by our clients which include homebound and low-income elderly, disabled veterans and the homeless.”

“Overwhelming research has shown that pets are a real health benefit for their elderly owners. Compared to non-pet owners, those with four-legged friends at home have lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, have a better sense of security, are more active, experience less depression, and even live longer.”

Animeals provides free pet food delivery for the pets of the elderly and disabled.

In order to help the elderly and disabled keep their pets Animeals requests volunteer donations for:

  • Pet Food
  • Pet Toys and Treats
  • Packing Bags

Animeals encourages organizations such as schools, scout troops, businesses and others to volunteer to organize a pet food drive as a great way to raise pet supplies to help the elderly and disabled.
The Helen Woodward Animal Center is a no-kill facility with a mission of people helping animals and animals helping people. The center provides animal adoption, education and animal assisted therapy programs for people.

Aging Programs

Senior Activities
Pets for Elderly

Find out more about Animeals and the Helen Woodward Animal Center

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