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WHAT Accepts donations so that senior citizens who are unable to afford a ticket may attend the theater and experience the arts.
WHY To provide stimulating senior activities and to give seniors the same experience they may once have had with the arts or to expose them to a new experience.
WHERE Theater West.
Los Angeles, CA,
USA Mark W. Travis –Theater Director.

Program Description

"Thousands of senior citizens in Los Angeles would love to attend the theater, opera, ballet or a concert. But for many, the price of a ticket is prohibitive. Enter Adopt-A-Senior Citizen. Created by veteran theater director Mark W. Travis, Adopt-A-Senior Citizen invites individuals to 'adopt' a senior by donating a few dollars toward the purchase of those tickets."

An approximate $20 donation sponsors a senior citizen to attend a theatre production, however donations of any amount are accepted.

The full amount of the donation will go toward purchasing tickets for the elderly and are tax-deductible.,

Senior Theater and Senior Arts
Senior Activities

Find out more about the "Theater West Adopt-A-Senior Citizen Theater" Program

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