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WHAT Comprehensive evaluation and examination by driver rehabilitation specialists for elderly drivers or people with disabilities to determine if they can still drive safely.
WHYTo help senior drivers, those with low vision or drivers with disabilities to remain safely driving or to provide transportaion alternatives to allow them to remain independent.
WHEREMarianjoy Rehabilitation Hospital.
Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare.
Wheaton, IL, U.S.A.

Program Description

"The Marianjoy driver rehabilitation program has been available for over twenty years with a staff of experienced Occupational Therapists who are Certified Driver Rehabilitation Specialists. Evaluations and training are offered for new drivers as well as experienced drivers. A wide variety of specialized adaptive equipment is available to address the needs of those with motor deficits and visual deficits."

The “Marianjoy Senior Driver Rehabilitation” Program evaluates elderly driver’s physical skills and behind-the-wheel abilities. Senior vision, perception, thinking, motor function and reaction time is tested. Maneuvering skills, residential and highway driving and driving in moderate to high traffic are also tested.

A driver rehabilitation specialist may recommend that elderly drivers receive:

-Behind-the-wheel training with adaptive equipment such as pedal extenders, hand controls, seat cushions or swivels, angled rear and side mirrors, leg lift straps etc.
-Reviewing and re-establishing driving skills
-Alternative transportation options to be discussed with seniors and their family
-An adapted van designed for people who drive from a wheelchair or are unable to load their wheelchair on their own. The adaptive van can be set up in different configurations for steering, accelerating and braking to suit the elderly driver

Marianjoy’s driver rehabilitation specialists can also act as senior driver advocates and accompany seniors to a road test or help modify a seniors’ car by arranging for adaptive equipment for safer senior driving. Driver Rehabilitation specialists are certified and are members of the Association of Driver Rehabilitation Specialists and the National Mobility Equipment Dealers Association.

More Elderly Driver and Senior Transportation Programs

Watch Video on Driver Rehabilitation Specialists Helping Elderly Drivers



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