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WHATAn older driver safety questionnaire to assess where an older driver may be with respect to driving ability and possible suggestions, along with older driver safety tips, resources and technology.
WHYTo help older drivers refresh skills or transition into retirement if needed for safety purposes and to prevent accidents.
WHEREAmerican Geriatrics Society. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. U.S. Department of Transportation. USA.

Program Description

“Age alone is not a risk factor for unsafe driving. Although many people cannot see as well or have other decreased physical or mental abilities as they get older, these changes do not occur at any specific age. In addition, the degree of functional change varies widely in older adults.”

The older driver safety questionnaire asks an older adult or a loved one who is concerned about an older adults driving to answer an online questions related to the older adults eyesight, past accidents or near accidents, dents on the car, confusion or getting lost while driving. Recommendations are provided based on the answers.  

The website has helpful information to keep older adult drivers safe such as:

  • Alternate Transportation for Older Adults – paratransit, taxi, Uber, Lyft, door to door services, public transportation such as bus, subway or train, volunteer drivers.
  • Safety Tips for Older Drivers – distractions such as cell phones, music, audio, bad weather, and rush hour.
  • Testing Driver Safety – medical check-up including vision and cognitive and motor skills, reflexes, medications, driver rehabilitation and skills refresher class, Carfit program to adjust seats, mirrors, pedals etc.  
  • Tips for Discussing When it's Time to Stop Driving -scheduling a time to have a compassionate talk with a loved one about retiring from driving and including their thoughts and opinions.


Aging Programs
Senior Safety
Elderly Driver and Senior Transportation

Find out more about the Driving Safely for Older Adults Program

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