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WHATDrivesharp is a brain training program designed to help drivers see more of their surroundings so they can react quickly and feel more comfortable behind the wheel.
WHYTo help senior drivers increase awareness and reaction times when driving and to reduce the number of accidents in real life driving.
WHEREThe Auto Club of Southern California And Posit Science Corporation.
Based in San Francisco, CA. Across the USA.

Program Description

"The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety has partnered with Posit Science, a leading provider of brain fitness programs, to bring you Drivesharp. Drivesharp is designed to help older adults see more of their surroundings, react faster, and reduce their risk of an at-fault accident. Adult drivers can test how their brain tracks moving objects, and their ability to keep track of multiple objects in two interactive and challenging exercises."

The DriveSharp Program concentrates on strengthening the brain’s ability to process 'what is able to be seen' and improve focus. The hope is that these skills will then carry over to real life driving. Senior drivers should in theory become more alert of the things happening on the road and the react faster when driving.

Posit Science, the makers of Drivesharp state the program can:

  • Cut risk of a car crash by up to 50%
  • Increase useful field of view by up to 200%
  • React faster to dangers - reduce stopping distance up to 22 feet at 55 mph
  • Drive with greater confidence at night, in congested traffic, and in new places

The program allows senior drivers to take an initial crash risk assessment measuring field of view and then complete the two exercises. Another assessment is taken to measure any improvements.

Mind Fitness Exercises included are:

Jewel Driver- monitors multiple moving objects that represent cars, pedestrians, bicyclists.
Road Tour
- driving simulator like road trip with road signs and cars and is meant to expand senior drivers' field of view and to increase brain processing speed. To arrive at a destination brain training exercises are posed that improve visual processing skills essential to safe driving. Exercises continually adapt to the user's performance and become more difficult as the senior driver gets better therefore keeping driver training at an appropriate level.
Sweep Seeker - speeds up visual processing so seniors can spot and react to things more quickly.

The DriveSharp Program was created by Posit Science, a company which specializes in brain training programs using patented exercises developed by neuroscientists. The program was designed and tested by a global team of more than 50 scientists and has been clinically proven effective in studies. Posit Science creates brain training exercises that are scientifically designed by experts and clinically tested at top institutions and is currently in-progress studies on the BrainHQ exercises and technologies.,

Aging Programs
Senior Safety
Elderly Driver and Senior Transportation




Find out more about the DriveSharp Program Offered by AAA

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