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WHAT Teaches emergency response to seniors, caregivers and others at assisted living homes, senior apartment complexes, senior centers, and senior homeowners associations.
WHYTo reduce the risk of seniors dying in a fire by teaching seniors and caregivers how to prepare and respond to an emergency situation. Seniors are at significantly higher risk of dying in a home fire than others due to limited mobility.
WHEREContra Costa County Fire.
Contra Costa County Cities. Citizen Corps.
Community Emergency response Team (CERT)
Bay Area, California, USA.

Program Description

"Seniors are at significantly higher risk of dying in a home fire than the rest of the U.S. population. What can seniors do to reduce this risk and protect their home? This program is utilized in Assisted Living Homes, Senior Apartment Complexes, City Senior Centers, and Senior Homeowners Associations."

The "Senior Citizen Fire Safety Training" Program falls under the umbrella of the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) which teaches neighbors how to help neighbors in the event of disaster or extreme emergency. The program focuses on elderly emergency response.

The program is a six-week training course. Seniors and other participants learn about:

-Fire Safety
-How to help others with emergency response in a major disaster
-How to stop small fires
-Light search and rescue
-Disaster psychology, applying principles to a suspected terrorist incident, triage, and many other emergency response techniques

The "Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) also offers free smoke detectors and free installation for seniors or disabled citizens through the "Smoke Detector Give-A-Way" Program. Up to date smoke detectors are crucial in facilitating elderly emergency response.

Find out more about the “Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Senior Citizen Fire Safety Training” Program

Senior Programs
Senior Check in Service
Elderly Emergency Response
Elderly Driver and Senior Transportation
General Senior Safety
Home Modification, Home Repair Assistance for Elderly

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