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WHAT Due to their regular, daily presence USPS letter carriers watch for signs that something is out of the ordinary with an elderly or disabled person living alone.
WHYThe USPS mail carrier may be the only point of human contact for home-bound elderly and therefore maybe the only one who could help if needed.
WHEREUnited States Postal Service (USPS)
National Association of Letter Carriers.(NALC)
Program available Nationally across USA.

Program Description

"Delivering mail to the same residences day after day, letter carriers become familiar with customers' habits and often notice changes in routine that mean a patron is in distress. Accumulating mail is a common clue, but lights burning in midday, pet dogs crying, drawn draperies, or no tracks in the snow all can signal trouble within."

"When a volunteer carrier notes something unusual concerning a patron registered with Carrier Alert, he or she reports it to a postal supervisor or other designated individual who in turn contacts the sponsoring local agency. They check on the person and if something's wrong, contact family, police or emergency services as appropriate."

The "Carrier Alert" Program is a "GateKeeper" type program making use of the regular, daily presence of letter carriers to watch for of signs that something is out of the ordinary with the elderly especially elderly persons living alone.

Once a letter carrier suspects that an elderly person is in danger he or she reports to a supervisor who in then contacts the sponsoring local agency. They check on the person and if something's wrong, contact family, police or emergency services.

The "National Association of Letter Carriers - Carrier Alert Program" works in the following way:

-Seniors who are postal customers register to participate in the program

-A letter carrier will be authorized to place a Carrier Alert symbol in the elderly customers mailbox which will alert all letter carriers to watch for any signs of distress such as mail piling up

-If there is mail piled up and the senior has not covered the sticker to signal that they will be away for a few days, he or she will notify the agency where the senior is registered or report to the postal supervisor who will report it to the agency

-The social service agency will then try to contact the elderly person by phone or a friend or relative listed as a contact in the event of an emergency

-Failing the above, the social service agency will send a worker to the seniors home to check-in on the elderly persons health and well-being

To find out if there is a Carrier Alert program in your neighborhood click below to contact the local National Association of Letter Carriers branch or USPS office.

Elder Abuse Prevention Programs




Find out more about the “USPS and National Association of Letter Carriers - Carrier Alert” Program

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