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WHATFree help for the elderly by volunteer students including free yard work, sweeping, vacuuming, washing windows, changing bed sheets and other strenuous household tasks. Caregivers
WHYTo help the elderly complete household tasks which they are unable to complete for themselves allowing them remain comfortably in their own homes.
WHEREVolunteers Assisting the Elderly. Interfaith Council on Aging. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.
The Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet.
Ventura, California, USA.

Program Description

“Caregivers serves hundreds of seniors throughout all of Ventura County one of the largest aging populations in the Nation! Thanks to generous gifts from Individuals, Foundations, Corporations and municipalities, CAREGIVERS continues to respond to the important needs of homebound and frail elders.”

The Building Bridges Intergenerational Program provides free basic assistance and companionship to the elderly.

The program helps older adults safely remain in their homes and fosters long term intergenerational relationships which can be critical in alleviating social isolation.

The program matches screened and trained volunteer students with elderly in need of home assistance. Students receive awareness training to help them understand the many challenges that older adults encounter.

Students are under adult supervision and complete physical household tasks such as, yard work, sweeping, vacuuming, washing windows, changing bed sheets and others tasks elders cannot do for themselves.

Friendly visits are part of the program which allow seniors and students to engage in discussion and conversation which help fight social isolation in older adults.

Aging Programs
Senior Safety
General Senior Safety




Find out more about Building Bridges Intergenerational Program

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