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WHATA drivers safety program for senior drivers offering tips and related information to help elderly and everyone else stay safe on the road.
WHYSo that senior drivers can fairly and adequately assess their own driving ability and to ensure that they can drive as long and as safely as possible preserving independence and quality of life.
WHEREThe Alberta Motor Association (AMA)
Canadian Automobile Association (CAA) associated with the American Automobile Association (AAA).
Alberta, Canada.

Program Description

"Canada's population is aging and the number of older drivers increasing. By 2026, one in every five Canadian drivers is expected to be over the age of 65."

The Canadian Automobile Association (CAA) Driver 55 Plus course is a refresher classroom based course for senior drivers which includes study areas such as:

-How driving can change for senior drivers, the process of aging and its impact on driving
-Senior driver assessment of attitude and knowledge
-Accident and collision avoidance tips for senior drivers
-Tips and strategies to help elderly drivers when in different driving environments
-Review of current traffic/road rules and regulations
-Group discussion with other mature drivers

The Canadian Automobile Association (CAA) also offers mature drivers help with driving through additional courses such as personalized driving sessions for senior drivers, a Proactive Defensive Driver course online or in a classroom and  a  RV Smart Driving course to develop and strengthen RV driving skills. The CAA also publishes a senior driver safety brochure, “The Drivers 65 Plus: Check Your Own Performance.”

The AMA also helps provide free senior transportation through the “Driving Angels” Program. Volunteers in the community give senior’s free rides to medical appointments, the store to shop for groceries, attend social functions or other errands and events. The “Driving Angels” Program helps housebound seniors to continue to live independent lives and is especially helpful to seniors during the winter months.

Find out more about the “AMA Mature Driver 55 Plus Improvement Course” Program

Senior Programs
Elderly Driver and Senior Transportation
Senior Check in Service
Elderly Emergency Response
General Senior Safety
Home Modification, Home Repair Assistance for Elderly

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