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WHATProvides elderly (who are transitioning from hospital to home) with the services of a geriatrician, nurse coordinator and social worker to help ease the transition.
WHYTo help manage eldercare patients while they are in the hospital and to ensure the safe transition and continuity of care from hospital to home.
WHEREMartha Stewart Center for Living Geriatrics.
Mobile Acute Care for the Elderly Program.
Mount Sinai Hospital. New York, NY, USA.

Program Description

"It is a 'center of excellence' for the care of common treatable and potentially reversible medical problems, with the goal of having patients return to the community at their prior level of functioning."

The 'Mobile Acute Care for the Elderly' Program at the 'Martha Stewart Center for Living Geriatrics' helps elderly patients to avoid the side effects of hospitalization such as muscle weakness and walking weakness from being bed bound.

Each elderly patient has access to the services of a geriatrician, nurse coordinator and social worker to help ease the transition for returning home.The hope is that by providing elderly with continued care they will to be able to care for themselves and live independent lives when they return home.

The Martha Stewart Center for Living Education Program
- Senior sensitivity training in geriatric care for doctors at all levels from the very best at Cedars Sinai. New York, USA

Transitioning Admission or Discharge from Nursing Care
Elderly Nursing

Find out more about the "Mobile Acute Care for the Elderly" Program

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