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WHATLive Music in Care provides a toolkit and guide for how care homes can provide regular singing and musical activities for their older adult residents as well as how to bring in performances by visiting musicians.
WHYTo encourage care homes to implement choir and music offerings to older adult residents. To improve the quality of life and health of older people in care homes, and to foster a positive working environment for care home staff and families.
WHEREBaring Foundation.
Live Music Now.
Sound Sense.
United Kingdom.

Program Description

“Music can lift spirits, but it can also do much more. There is now hard evidence to show that music participation can help those living with dementia to engage and remember; and more generally, to alleviate the effects of breathing diseases; reduce stress and anxiety; and build relationships between residents, carers and staff. We want to find the best ways to bring these benefits to older people, and support care homes to take part, on an ambitious scale.”

Live Music in Care formerly known as ‘A Choir in Every Care Home’ can be implemented in many different forms including:

  • Residents Singing in a Choir.
  • Music Making.
  • Professional Music Workshops or Performances.
  • Spontaneous Singing with Staff and Volunteers

A guide is available for musicians looking for information on how to perform for care homes which covers topics such as connecting with care homes, what songs to choose, training and support, safety in care homes and more.

Aging Programs
Elderly Nursing
Nursing Home Activities
Senior Activities
Life-Long Learning







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