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WHATNational Memory Screening Day provides a free, confidential memory screening test to individuals concerned about memory loss.
WHYThe aim is early detection and intervention of memory loss, Alzheimer's and other dementias.
WHERE Alzheimer's Foundation of America.
Across the USA.

Program Description

"National Memory Screening Day is one of the highlights of AFA's ongoing national effort to promote early detection of memory problems, including Alzheimer's disease, and to encourage appropriate intervention, including medical treatments, social services and other resources. AFA believes that memory screenings are a significant first step toward early diagnosis."

"The event encourages Americans to participate by offering screenings at no charge and in convenient locations in communities across the nation. National Memory Screening Day also provides a valuable opportunity to learn more about healthy lifestyle choices for successful aging."

National Memory Screening Day takes place every November with the objective of aiming for early detection and intervention of memory loss.

Memory screenings can act as a first step toward finding out if a person may have a memory problem. The screening is not meant to diagnose illness and does not replace consultation with a qualified physician or other healthcare professional.

Some memory problems may be treated such as those caused by vitamin deficiencies or thyroid problems. Other memory problems may be caused by illness such as Alzheimer’s disease.

Memory screenings are available through qualified healthcare professionals such as social workers, pharmacists, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, psychologists and physicians.
The Alzheimer's Foundation of America provides participating organizations free materials to conduct memory screening tests including instructions, a memory screening tool, public relations and marketing materials, and educational materials about memory concerns, dementia, caregiving and aging.

A memory screening test consists of a series of questions and/or tasks designed to test memory, language skills, thinking ability, and other intellectual functions.

The Alzheimer's Foundation of America’s advisory board recognizes the following memory screening tests:

  • General Practitioner Assessment of Cognition - GPCOG
  • MIS - Memory Impairment Screen
  • Brief Alzheimer’s Screening



National Memory Screening Day - November 19, 2013 from healtheo360 on Vimeo


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