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WHATProvides dolls and stuffed animals for those with dementia and Alzheimer's.
WHYTo increase awareness of the need for doll therapy those with dementia and Alzheimer's.
WHEREDolls for Dementia.
Emily Richey.
Arkansas, USA.

Program Description

"By placing dolls in their arms, we are giving them back the happiness they once had when they were taking care of their own children. Because we are involving students in our doll deliveries, we are closing the gap between the younger generation and the elderly generation."

"I wanted to make a difference in the community and start a charity. I remembered back to when my great-grandmother suffered from dementia and was in the nursing home. … This past summer, I began to research dementia and found out about doll therapy. I wanted to provide the same kind of joy my great-grandmother got from the animals to other dementia patients."

"It is quite a hard thing to get your head around at first. I even had my doubts initially. But once I saw doll therapy in action I was converted. It can be very emotional seeing someone distressed and not being able to comfort them and doll therapy can often really work and stops them being distressed."
- Caroline Baker source: Article: Care Homes Use 'Doll Therapy' For Residents With Dementia.

Dolls and teddy bears may be able to reduce anxiety by giving those with dementia a sense of caring for something, or their presence may bring back memories of taking care of a child.

Dolls for Dementia works with nursing facilities and corporations to gain sponsorship to provide dolls. Those interested in supporting the Dolls for Dementia Program can sponsor weighted dolls or teddy bears that are recommended by the National Alzheimer's Association and are made specifically for dementia patients.

Dementia Assistance and Activities Programs
Memory Programs
Dementia Films




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