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WHATA competition to create the best app to help those with dementia.
WHYTo help developers and programmers to tune into the needs of those with dementia and figure out how they can make their lives easier through technology.
LaunchSpot at Newcastle University.
Ed Jenkins. United Kingdom.

Program Description

Create4Dementia helps create apps to support people with dementia through engaging programmers in the following development process:

Inspiration – providing space for an inspiration board to start a conversation on creative solutions for dementia care. Inspiration can include a news story, photograph, a YouTube video etc.

Design - share ideas for new technologies for people with dementia and their carers by inviting others online to help refine an idea.

Tender - Comment on bids for the winning idea to inform how it should be developed and made available for people with dementia and their carers. Tech developers submit bids to win a work contract and create the winning technology.

Create - The winning bid will be announced by a panel of judges and the team will build the winning idea. The team will post updates on their progress and once developed will be made available to the for free to the community and the team will be awarded the money for completing the work.

LaunchSpot at Newcastle University works to hold competitions to design and develop apps to support people living with mental health issues and aims to better lives.

Aging Programs
Dementia Assistance and Activities
Dementia Training and Dementia Advocacy




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