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WHATProvides homeless seniors with transitional housing, housing support, counseling, case management, and housing navigation.
WHYTo provide homeless seniors with the tools that will prepare them to reside in permanent housing.To advocate for affordable senior housing.
WHERESenior Homeless Services.
St. Mary’s Center.
Oakland, California, USA.

Program Description

“Transitional housing offers an opportunity to be sheltered while actively seeking housing, securing documentation, and preparing for independent living.”

“Every Senior is connected with a Case Manager, Housing Navigation and other supports. Weekly House Meetings and individual work with Case Managers support the Senior’s individualized plan to become and remain housed.”

St. Mary’s Center provides homeless elderly with transitional housing and services.

Older adults are housed in individual rooms with shared bathrooms, kitchens, and common areas.

Licensed clinical social workers, case managers, housing navigators, and intake specialists help homeless seniors by providing the following services:

  • Access to housing and transitional housing.
  • Applying for financial benefits.
  • Document identification
  • Case management support to complete applications and attend interviews.
  • Move-in preparation and resources.
  • Health Care Access - to medical insurance, Medi-Cal or Medicare,  primary medical care, medication and support with prescriptions and appointments.
  • Counseling services -support for recovery from substance use disorder and mental health.

St. Mary’s Center works to meet the basic needs of seniors for food, housing, and social connection.

Aging Programs
Senior Housing, Assisted Living
Temporary Senior Housing, Homeless, Senior Shelters
Elder Abuse Prevention Programs




Find out more about Senior Homeless Services

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