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WHATAn intentional community consisting of shared housing townhomes.
WHYTo provide a shared supportive, inter-generational cohousing community with common facilities, and participation by all members. To provide an affordable housing option for people of all ages.
WHEREPrairie Sky Cohousing Cooperative.
Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

Program Description

“The balance of private homes and spared spaces Cohousing is perfect for these times.”

“We honor each other’s gifts and differences, and especially value the contributions of children and elders. We are striving to create a space where everyone can participate, thrive, and learn from one another.”

“Consensus decision-making is different from other kinds of decision making because it stresses group members working together to cooperatively develop a decision. Since the goal is group unity, rather than winning a majority of votes, every member is considered important and the group tries to listen and respond to each person’s needs and opinions. Because of this process of incorporating all members’ wisdom, consensus can create better decisions.”

Cohousing emphasizes a supportive, inter-generational community, common facilities, and participation by all members. The setting can be urban, suburban, or rural. It can involve building houses or renovating existing structures. The design can take a variety of forms, but the intention is to increase social interaction, conversation, and community relationships.

Prairie Sky Cohousing Cooperative is self-managed and community related decisions are made by a consensus.

Teams arrange financial and legal tasks, building maintenance and common spaces, gardens and grounds, parking, organizing parties, celebrations, house concerts, and common meals.

Prairie Sky Cohousing Cooperative’s guiding principles include community, respect, sustainability, and affordability. 

The Prairie Sky Cohousing Cooperative is close to a garden, skating rink and large field.

Aging Programs
Senior Housing
Senior Home Sharing and Senior Cohousing




Find Out More about Prairie Sky Cohousing Cooperative

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