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WHATMakes home modifications by building wheelchair ramps (on-site home construction) for seniors and those with disabilities. To give seniors and those with disabilities access in and out of their homes.
WHYTo improve the quality of life for those who are in a wheelchair or who need the assistance of an access ramp.
WHERECivitan International - Building Volunteer Leaders in Clubs Around the World.
USA, Canada, India, Russia, Locations in Europe and Africa.

Program Description

"Wheelchair ramps are a necessity for many people with disabilities, but cost thousands of dollars to install. Many cannot afford to have them built at their homes, and are unable to enter or leave without help. One of Civitan's most widespread club projects is the construction of wheelchair ramps, built on-site for those in need."


Civitan International has volunteer service clubs around the world.

The goal of the organization is to help people in their own communities. Volunteer help ranges from working with homeless shelters, to volunteering at retirement homes to building wheelchair ramps.

The organization maintains an emphasis on helping people with developmental disabilities.

Find out more about the “Civitan International – Free Wheelchair Ramp” Program

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