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WHATAge-Friendly Boston works with the the city of Boston’s public agencies, businesses, cultural, educational, and religious institutions, and community groups to better adapt services to increase the quality of life of older adults.
WHYTo provide a safe, accessible and age friendly city for older adults.
WHEREAge-Friendly Boston.
City of Boston.
Boston, Massachusetts, USA.

Program Description

“The Age-Friendly Action Plan challenges all of us—public agencies, private sectors, cultural institutions—to think differently about aging.”

“What does it mean to be an age-friendly city? It means a city that adapts its structures and services to be accessible and inclusive to residents of all ages and abilities.”

Age-Friendly Boston plans to make the following areas more senior friendly:                  

  • Housing – areas and homes which can provide accessible services nearby allowing seniors to affordably age in place in their own neighborhoods. Home adaptations, home repair along with tax relief programs such as the Senior Property Tax Work off Program may help older adults to live more comfortably.
  • Civic Engagement and Employment – match seniors to jobs and volunteer opportunities based on their skill set and help to reduce age related discrimination in the workplace.
  • Transportation – funded senior shuttles, ride shares, increased emphasis on safe walking areas for older adults including better timed crosswalks, ramps, lighting and markings.
  • Outdoor Spaces & Buildings – parks will be adapted to suit the needs of older adults such as improved seating and shade.
  • Respect and Social Inclusion - support from agencies, groups and on elder-friendly business to bring socially isolated seniors into the community. Arts, cultural, health and fitness activities, intergenerational, LGBT and ESL programs will be available and accessible.
  • Community and Health Services – network of medical and non-medical health services to help seniors.
  • Communications – work to better inform and educate older adults on the age friendly process.
Aging Programs
Senior Housing & Assisted Living
Senior Friendly Community Programs




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