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WHATThe national voice in Canada promoting the role and value of in-home care through increasing awareness, shaping government strategy and leadership.
WHYTo promote and support the in-home care industry and community which enables older adults to stay in their own homes with safety, dignity and quality of life.
WHERECanadian Home Care Association.
Across Canada.

Program Description

"One million Canadians receiving publicly funded home care services annually reflect a doubling of individuals served over the past 15 years and it is estimated that another 500,000 individuals are accessing home care services not funded by government…The health policies we develop, the people we recruit and train and the support systems we build now will shape the health care landscape tomorrow."

The Canadian Home Care Association supports Home Care as a critical service and advocates on behalf of caregivers. 

Some of the goals of The Canadian Home Care Association include:

Principles For Home Care - developing fundamental principles that serve as a foundation for home care across Canada to help guide legislation and frame the delivery of in-home care service.

Family Caregivers –increase awareness of the role and value of family caregivers in society through the promotion of a Canadian Caregiver Strategy.

Integrated System Of Care - promote the role and value of in-home care by sharing knowledge and information and supporting integrated hospice palliative care.

Innovation And Technology - strategies to facilitate technology which supports in-home service delivery, health information, data management, and consumer independence.

Home Care Knowledge Network -knowledge sharing throughout the home care sector by engaging policy makers, home care leaders and researchers.

The Canadian Home Care Association’s resource library includes information on the following:

-Technology applications in home care
-Health human resource studies and facts
-Home care in rural and remote areas
-Home care and mental health opportunities and challenges
-Home care's role in systems / care integration
-The vital role of home care in quality end of life care


Find out more about “The Canadian Home Care Association”

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