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WHATDrug abuse prevention program and treatment for seniors who are addicted to prescription drugs, non-prescription drugs and alcohol or suffer from any form of substance abuse.
WHYTo assist seniors with drug addiction which may or may not have had its origin in prescription drugs for health issues or in dealing with feelings of depression, loneliness or financial difficulties.
WHERE Odyssey House Elder Care Program.
New York, NY, USA.

Program Description

"We are like considered the top of the house you know because people always do look up to older people like I did when I was younger and I used to always try to emulate my life with the older people including my parents, my aunts, my uncles people that were role models, you know that were older than me so we are kind of looked upon as the guidance of the program."
–Rafeal, participant in the Odyssey House Elder Drug Abuse Program

"The number of older Americans with substance use disorders is growing dramatically. The federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration estimates that 1.7 million Americans over the age of 50 are addicted and predict this population will to grow to 4.4 million by 2020."


Combined with psychiatric disorders, dementia or Alzheimer's, substance abuse in the elderly is a difficult battle to fight on ones own. The 'Odyssey House Elder Drug Abuse' Program offers seniors who are addicted to drugs a 12-18 month residential treatment program in a community based environment which provides the following:

  • Treatment of senior substance abuse with an emphasis on group treatment along with community responsibility and accountability.
  • Licensed medical clinics provide comprehensive primary medical care including medication management, HIV testing and counseling, and access to specialist medical care.
  • Senior recreational activities.
  • Aftercare planning and follow up including referrals, group therapy, housing and job training.
  • Vocational assistance help seniors gain employment.
  • Staff trained in geriatric care.
  • Room together with other seniors.
  • Participation in senior socialization and recreational activities such as outings, trips, visits to museums, attendance at shows, concerts, plays, and community centers.

* A notable part of the Odyssey elder drug abuse prevention program is the assistance provided in re-establishing the elderly persons contact with family where appropriate in order to help in the recovery process.

Odyssey House is a comprehensive social services agency based in New York City that provides innovative programs drug abuse programs and mental illness programs. Services are available to seniors, adolescents and all ages in between.


-Elderly Drug Abuse Prevention Programs
-Elderly Suicide Prevention Programs
-Elderly Depression & Mental Health Programs




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