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WHAT A comprehensive, innovative on-line program for hospice training education.
WHYThe program offers staff orientation, annual in-services, volunteer training and specialized learning.
WHEREHospice Education Network. Headquarters in Hyannis, MA, U.S.A.
Program available online..

Program Description

Multiple hospice and palliative care training courses are offered some of which include:

-Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation
-Adverse Events/Incident Reporting
-Decision Making and Advance Directives
-Fire and Electrical Safety
-HIPAA Training for Hospice Staff and Volunteers
-Infection Control and You
-Patients Rights and Responsibilities
-Safety in the Home
-Safety in the Workplace: Workplace Violence
-Sexual Harassment
-A Cry for Help: Responding to Requests for Physician-Assisted Suicide
-Breaking Bad News
-Medical Director Contracting: Hospice Physicians and the New CoPs
-Medical Directors: It Takes a Village: Engendering Community Physician Support For End-Of-Life Care
-Prognostication in End of Life
-Withholding, Withdrawing Treatments

"The Hospice Education Network" offers hospice training and other end-of-life care education to professionals, including in-services, volunteer training, and continuing education for nurses, social workers and counselors. 

Education is provided in an online streaming video technology format. Presentations may include PowerPoint slides, presentation handouts, and a post test.

Find out more about the "Hospice Education Network Training" Program

Senior Programs
Palliative Care & Hospice Care Training
General End of Life Care Programs
The Terminally Ill & Their Pets
End of LIfe Documentaries

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