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WHATCompassion & Choices provides end of life legal assistance, planning, referrals and guidance, and advocates for end of life compassion and choice, death with dignity, and aid in dying.
WHYTo protect and expand end of life options for terminally ill Americans.
WHERECompassion & Choices.
Across the USA.

Program Description

"An organization committed to assisting people to have the best death possible."

"For over thirty years we have reduced people's suffering and given them some control in their final days even when injury or illness takes their voice. We are experts in what it takes to die well."

‘Compassion & Choices’ can assist individuals to improve their current quality of life, have a peaceful death or plan ahead for end of life.

The organization aims to change end of life care attitudes, practices and government policies so that everyone can access the information and options and ultimately have more control and comfort at the end of life.

‘Compassion & Choices’ is involved in the following:

Free End-of-Life Counseling – through the end-of-life consultation program which provides support and advice from professionally trained counselors with respect to end-of-life care and decision making.

Advance Planning - advance directives by state, and assistance with end of life documents such as living wills and medical durable power of attorney.

End of life in the Courts – legal casework involving death with dignity, aid in dying, assisted suicide, the right to pain management and other end-of-life issues.

Campaigns to increase awareness of end of life issues and choices.

The organization offers speakers to make presentations on the aid-in-dying movement along with end of life legal issues.

‘Compassion & Choices’ can assist with the following:

  • Completing advance directives.
  • Navigating the healthcare system.
  • Contacting hospice or palliative care providers, pain specialists, social services agencies, etc.
  • Educating friends and family on how to advocate for their loved ones.
  • Education to help clients receive pain and symptom management.
  • Advocating for residents of long-term care facilities and other healthcare facilities.
  • Providing information about aid in dying for terminally ill and mentally capable adults.
  • Counseling on unwanted medical treatment and discontinuing life sustaining treatment under the care of a physician.
  • Education for healthcare professionals about compassionate, patient-centered end-of-life care.

The ‘Compassion & Choices’ publishes a magazine which continues the mission of the organization to support patients, and families, educate the public and professionals, and advocate for dying with dignity across the USA.

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