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WHATWisdom of the Elders records traditional indigenous knowledge about cultural arts, the environment, and language by Native American elder storytellers and scientists.
WHYTo share oral history of the native elder community, to fight climate change and preserve the environment.
WHEREWisdom of the Elders. Founders - Martin High Bear, Rose High Bear, Deg Hitan Dine.

Program Description

"Native people are the first and most severely impacted by a shifting climate and degrading ecosystems. This impact is compounded by the fact that many Indigenous communities have few economic resources to mitigate the harmful effects of a changing climate. Indigenous communities from around the world are demonstrating resilience and resourcefulness combining both contemporary and traditional ecological knowledge to preserve threatened ways of life. ”

Wisdom of the Elders highlights environmental and climate issues from the perspective of Native American tribes and community.

Wisdom of the Elders records native elders wisdom in multimedia projects, including the Native Wisdom Documentary Film Series, Wisdom of the Elders Radio Program and Discovering Our Story Television Program.

Storytelling wisdom is passed on by Native elders, indigenous scientists, culture keepers, leaders, and song carriers.

Some of the topics covered by the project include:

Climate Change
Preservation of Ecosystems
Language Preservations
Health and Healing
Native Reconciliation

Wisdom of the Elders works with multiple institutions, agencies and organizations to promote Native American cultural sustainability, multimedia education and cultural reconciliation.

The organization aims to share messages of native elder wisdom of the environment and other issues with Native communities and the public.

Aging Programs
Senior Contributions Programs
Seniors Saving the Environment
The National Indian Council On Aging

Alaska Native and American Indian Elder Program

Watch Video on Wisdom of the Elders and Climate Change

Find out more about Wisdom of the Elders

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