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WHAT Allows for senior travel internationally so that older adults can volunteer in communities and make a difference in the lives of others.
WHYOlder adults can experience volunteerism in an educational way and in a unique cultural environment while contributing their own experience and wisdom.
WHERE United Planet.

Program Description

"…older volunteers bring experience, wisdom, and maturity that young people cannot; and they get immediate respect in their communities overseas."

"..and the benefits to volunteers are immense. Studies show that volunteering gives you a renewed sense of purpose and direction, creates stronger social connections and makes you happier and healthier – not just mentally, but physically. In fact, one study shows a longer life expectancy associated with volunteering than even exercising or attending regular religious service."

-United Planet

United Planet Volunteer Quest programs are available to seniors and others in over 40 countries and range from 1-52 weeks.

All United Planet programs empower seniors and people of all ages to become catalysts for change.

Volunteer work can be found in the areas of:

-Orphanage Work
-Environmental Conservation
-Women's Empowerment
-Much More

United Planet administers Ambassador Programs,C ommunity Development Projects, and the Cultural Awareness Project, which spreads cross-cultural awareness through presentations stories, photos, musical performances, traditional foods, art demonstrations, games, lectures, and discussions about cultures and global issues. The Cultural Awareness Project works with schools, nonprofit groups, and companies in the Boston area.

The aim of United Planet is to foster cross-cultural understanding and address shared challenges to unite the world in a community beyond borders and to promote Relational Diplomacy - recognizing that the relationship between people of diverse backgrounds is the basic building block for uniting the world.

Find out more about the United Planet 50+ Volunteer Program

Senior Programs
Senior Volunteer Opportunities Abroad
Senior Contributions in General
Intergenerational - Seniors Helping Youth
Intergenerational Social Activities
Seniors Helping Seniors Programs
Senior Employment Programs

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