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WHATA volunteer program that trains older adults to tutor children in kindergarten to third grade either in-person at school or online.
WHYTo provide older adults an opportunity to use their skills and time to help tutor children who need extra time and attention in reading and writing.
Across the USA.

Program Description

“I became an Oasis tutor because I think that there’s nothing better a person can do than to help a child. They remember the day you’re supposed to be there so it’s a big deal for them.”
-Dean Barnes Oasis Tutor. Video: Oasis Virtual Tutoring.

“When you’re tutoring you think, am I doing any good and then I thought I’ve made so many friends through the tutoring program that I can’t give it up because I love it too much...and then I know that the child at the end... we always have fun. After your year is done your always glad you did it.
-Brenda Tripp, Oasis Tutor. Video: Oasis Tutoring.

“Its not only helping the kids its helping the adults. Its keeping us involved with what’s going on in the world.”

-Ray Potter, Oasis Tutor. Video: Oasis Tutoring.

Oasis tutoring engages and trains older adults to tutor children so that they can contribute to community schools and participate as mentors.

Older adults tutor one-on-one either in person in schools or online at affordable rates.  

Older adult tutors are volunteers who:

  • Have of love of reading and children.
  • Train with Oasis to use a curriculum and lesson plans.
  • Work with the same child each week.

Older adult volunteers receive training by Oasis and attend monthly meetings for continued training and opportunities to share experiences with other tutors such as successes and challenges.

Oasis intergenerational tutoring is an affordable option for parents starting at $15 per session.

Oasis Intergenerational Tutoring is the largest older adult tutoring program in the United States.

Oasis supports older adults across the country to live healthy, productive and meaningful lives through volunteering in their communities, pursuing life-long learning opportunities, and engaging in active health and lifestyle programs.

Aging Programs
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Intergenerational Programs







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