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WHAT Involving grandmothers in community health and education programs for girls.
WHYInvolving the knowledge of grandmothers has proven to increase the well being and education levels of girls. The perception of grandmothers is improved as community members and contributors to healthy families and communities.
WHEREThe Grandmother Project. Founders - Judi Aubel and Elisabeth Mealey.
Communities in Africa, Asia and Latin America.

Program Description

"Evaluations of the Girls Holistic Development Program have clearly shown that a grandmother-inclusive strategy contributes to building community-wide consensus for adoption of more girl-friendly norms and practices."

"...grandmothers are involved in classrooms to teach their indigenous knowledge to children."

A Senegal program is co-sponsored by World Vision and seeks grandmother’s assistance in promoting the health and well-being of female children. The Girls Holistic Development Program works to change harmful traditions such as child marriage, teen pregnancy, and female genital mutilation.

Grandmothers are involved in promoting information on newborn health in a Mali program co-sponsored by Family Care International.

The project is promoting a number of other programs dealing with HIV/Aids, malnutrition, education and more.

The mission of the Grandmother Project is to improve the health and well-being of women and children in developing countries by building the capacity of development partners to implement grandmother-inclusive and intergenerational community programs.

The project partners with the following organizations: 

Aide et Action ( Senegal) American Red Cross ( Albania) Catholic Relief Service ( Burkina Faso) Centre de Population et de l’Environment, Université Cheikh Anta Diop, Dakar (Senegal) Child Fund (Senegal ) Groupe Pivot Santé (Mali) Helen Keller International (Mali) Institute of Education, University of London (UK) Mwangaza (Burkina Faso) National School of Social Work - INFTS - ( Mali) NicaSalud (Nicaragua) Plan International (Burkina Faso) Project Hope (Uzbekistan) School of Communication, University of Massachusetts, Amherst (USA) School of Education, University of Massachusetts, Amherst (USA) Terre des Hommes (Switzerland) UNICEF ( Laos, Mali, Senegal) United Nations Population Fund - UNFPA - ( Mali) USAID (Senegal) World Bank (Benin, Senegal) World Health Organization - WHO - ( Laos) World Vision ( Canada, Mauritania, Senegal)

Find out more about the Grandmother Project

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