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WHATGrandmas2Go trains older adult women to mentor, nurture and support struggling new parents during the infant to toddler years.
WHYSenior women have an opportunity to contribute, continue to learn, stay active and involved and give back to the community. Struggling families receive much needed free support and guidance.
Oregon, USA.

Program Description

“Grandmas2Go has matched a serious problem with a powerful solution. In our new model, older women guide our younger sisters (and brothers) through the early stages of parenthood. As more children get off to a healthier start, we can build healthier communities that are tolerant, nonviolent and life affirming.”

“The key factors putting a child at risk of poor health and development include poverty, single parenting, teen parenting, low-level parental education, parental substance abuse, parental mental health issues, and negative parenting practices and abuse.”

“We help at-risk families break the cycles of abuse, neglect, violence, addiction, poverty and hopelessness that plague our communities.”

Grandmas2Go is a multi-generational program intersecting relationships of senior women, new parents, and young children.

New parents and families facing poverty, mental health issues, or abuse are more often pressed for money and resources making raising children difficult.

Grandmas2Go pairs trained senior women with struggling families helping support children in their early formative years.

Elders have an opportunity to pass skills, knowledge, and life experience to younger generations.

Help for struggling families is provided through physical, emotional, and informational support.

Examples of free in-home help for new mothers/parents include:

  • Help with baby’s laundry.
  • Diaper Changes.
  • Hold and cuddle baby.
  • Help with meal preparation and feed baby.
  • Wash dishes and baby bottles.
  • Read and sing to baby.
  • Go with family outings to the pool, park, playground.
  • Accompany family on errands, appointments.
  • Share parenting tips.

Grandmas2Go was a finalist for the Gen2Gen Encore Prize which awards innovative programs, products and services that tap into the talents of older adults to help young people thrive.

Aging Programs
Senior Contributions Programs
Intergenerational Programs







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