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WHAT Older adults are employed at intergenerational cafés /restaurants to bake, create and interact with all generations.
WHYOlder adults earn income to supplement their pension, remain active, engaged and use their skill set. All generations can frequent the cafés to dine and socialize.
Vienna, Austria.

Program Description

“You watch our baking grandmas and grandpas as they bake their cakes in our open baking kitchen, always ready to take the next piece of warm chocolate cake straight out of the oven; take a seat in our cosy armchairs, have a sip of our finest coffee, listen to the old music from our record player, accompanied by the sound of the kitchen mixers, and later have a glass of eggnog served with a few pieces of worldly wisdom, while young and old chat together.”

“Old and young, regardless of where you come from, regardless of who you are: the most important thing is that we show respect and empathy for each other. Let’s get to know each other, and learn from one another!”

Older adults are employed at intergenerational cafés /restaurants to bake, create, contribute their skills and interact with all generations.

The Generationencafe concept hopes to bring people together and relieve loneliness and social isolation among elderly.

Vollpension also offers in studio and online baking classes taught by older adults. Senior BackAdemics share their baking skills and provide useful tips and tricks on baking and life. Older adults are able to earn income from teaching classes and students learn ‘how to bake from a granny.’

Aging Programs
Senior Contributions Programs
Senior Employment Programs
Intergenerational Programs
Seniors Helping Youth

Aging Awareness and Sensitivity Programs







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