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WHATOlder and younger generations support each other in the workplace by sharing experiences and knowledge.
WHYTo support older adults to stay engaged in the workforce and connects older and younger generation at varying stages of their career to share unique generational skill sets and engage in mentorship.
Founder - Charlotte Japp. Online.

Program Description

“…the mission to empower longer careers along the longer lifespan.”

“We don’t think a career should have an expiration date. Over half of Americans 50+ are pushed out of long term jobs before they choose to retire. At CIRKEL, we’re working to change this.”

“Early in her career, CIRKEL Founder Charlotte Japp noticed a huge gap between the 20-somethings she worked with and baby boomers like her parents. Older workers had decades of experience, but were forced to retire or start secondary careers due to ageist hiring trends. Her friends and colleagues wanted career mentorship, while her parents and their friends were looking for new skills and trend reports to stay competitive in their careers.”

“Have you ever considered intergenerational relationship-building a workplace tool? These days, not only is it a means to develop professional relevance, it’s a key to organizational success.” article: ‘How One Entrepreneur Is Turning Intergenerational Relationships Into Organizational Success.’

Participants in older and younger generations exchange skills sets, perspectives, ideas and knowledge to further their career.

The goals is for individuals to feel supported, stay in the workplace as long as possible and to help businesses create inclusive workplaces that benefit not only older adults but employees of all ages.

Cirkel can provide older adults and employees of all ages with the following career support:

Personalized Bios – professionally written personal profile of professional experience and background.
Matched Introductions – introduction to a member outside of your generation for mutual career benefits.

Small Circles - meeting others in small groups to discuss career promotion, challenges and insights.
Events & Resources - members-only gatherings, talks and networking resources.

Aging Programs
Senior Contributions Programs
Senior Employment Programs
Aging Awareness and Sensitivity Programs




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