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WHAT A community response network to create a coordinated response to elder abuse, neglect, and self-neglect available to multicultural and diverse populations.
WHYTo create safe communities where older adults are valued, respected and free from abuse and neglect.
WHEREBC Association of Community Response Networks.
Province of BC.
British Columbia, Canada.

Program Description

“Community Response Networks around the province are reaching out to their communities to join the network and work to raise the awareness of abuse, neglect, and self-neglect in vulnerable adults, and to ultimately prevent it from happening.”

“Community Response Networks is a provincial umbrella organization that supports local community response networks who in turn work to create a strong community response for adults who may be experiencing or be impacted by abuse, neglect and self-neglect.”

Community Response Networks are made up of community members, agencies, businesses, government agencies, professionals, and others.

The BC Association of Community Response Networks provides elder abuse prevention funding, resources, materials, training, and support to Community Response Networks.

The BC Association of Community Response Networks provides free elder abuse prevention training and outreach programs focused on increasing awareness and prevention. 

The It’s Not Right! Neighbors, Friends & Families for Older Adults Program is a free elder abuse prevention for individuals, residents, neighbors, family members, and friends of adults and older adults.

The See Something, Say Something! Program
is designed to help identify those who are at high-risk of abuse, vulnerable, isolated, or living alone and would benefit from assistance to maintain their independence. The program covers:

  • The role we play in the community, and what we can do to address abuse and neglect.
  •  Understanding different types of adult abuse and neglect.
  • Understanding how and when to refer an older adult for help.

Community Response Networks are available for multicultural and diverse populations including the South-Asian, Chinese, Indigenous communities along with the LGBTQ community.

Aging Programs
Elder Abuse Prevention Programs
Elder Abuse Prevention Training Programs
Elder Abuse Documentaries

Find out more about British Columbia Association of Community Response Networks

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