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WHATInitiative to improve public awareness of what it means to age and how older adults contribute to society.
WHYTo help fight ageism, promote age equality and support aging related policies and programs.
WHEREReframing Aging Initiative.
The National Center to Reframe Aging.
Gerontological Society of America.

Program Description

“The center has trained more than 100 facilitators locally on the research and fundamentals of reframing aging so they can play a key role in teaching others and changing the narrative. It also has promoted its efforts nationally, including successfully getting three major style guides used by thousands of scholars, researchers, communications professionals, journalists, students, and others to adopt bias-free language and incorporate the principles of reframing aging.”

The Reframing Aging Initiative aims to:

  • Build an infrastructure to enable broad dissemination of the reframing aging concepts to the field of aging.
  • Engage the aging research, education, and practice communities to learn about and start using the reframed communication strategies.
  • Provide technical support for organizations who complete workshops and trainings.
  • Support state and local efforts to reframe aging locally.

The Reframing Aging Initiative helps organizations and others with the following services to promote age equity:

FrameChecks: reframing experts review communication materials and suggest ways for improving messages with reframed language and evidence-informed narratives.

Workshops and presentations: provide engaging and interactive sessions on the reframing aging concepts, narratives, and tools for organizations and conferences.

Technical assistance: reframing experts help fine-tune messages as a follow-up to workshops and presentations.

The Gaining momentum Toolkit provides resources for advocates to help reframe aging in America.

The National Center to Reframe Aging’s partners include: AARP, Archstone Foundation, The Atlantic Philanthropies, Endowment for Health, Fan Fox and Leslie R. Samuels Foundation, The John A. Hartford Foundation, The Retirement Research Foundation, Rose Community Foundation, and The SCAN Foundation.

Aging Programs
Aging Awareness & Sensitivity Programs
Aging Documentaries




Aging Toolkit Introduction from FrameWorks Institute on Vimeo.


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