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WHAT An online quiz and education program helping seniors stay safe online.
WHYTo prevent older adults from becoming targets of senior scams, fraud and cybercrimes.
WHEREProtect Seniors Online.
Home Instead Senior Care. International.

Program Description

“Practicing safe online habits can help lessen your chances of being the target or victim of online scams. Explore the following resources to become more aware of potential risks and learn about steps you can take to better protect your personal information online.”

Protect Seniors Online has a helpful quiz for older adults on how to recognize senior scams with various scenarios along with do’s and don’ts when online.  

Information and videos are available for seniors on the following:

  • Cyber Attacks – scammers infiltrate an elderly person’s computer system and gain control of their email and send messages.
  • Senior Cyber Scams – computer tech support scams, sweepstakes scam, tax scam, debt collectors, and ransomware.
  • Dangers of Oversharing Online – posting personal information on social media such as birthdays, family members names, pets names, vacation photos when out of town.
  • IRS Fraud - letter or call from the IRS saying you owe taxes.
  • Family Fraud – family members are handling finances without informing or updating an elderly person.
  • Social Media Security Tips
  • Password Security Tips
  • Email Security Tips

Home Instead Senior Care provides in-home care services to older adults so that they can age in place in the comfort of their own home.

Aging Programs
Elder Abuse Prevention Programs
Financial Elder Abuse Prevention Programs




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