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WHATA free guide on how to prevent senior scams complete with types of fraud and scams, such as internet scams, investment fraud, credit card scams, and lottery scams, along with warning signs, and information on who to contact for help.
WHYTo help prevent the growing crime of elder financial abuse by equipping seniors with preventative measures, awareness and information.
WHERENebraska Department Of Justice Attorney General. Consumer Protection Division. Nebraska, USA.

Program Description

"Unfortunately, there are scam artists across the country and around the world trying to defraud Nebraskans everyday. Nationwide, scams against seniors are generating billions of dollars each year for criminals.
Together, we must fight back."

"Seniors lose millions each year in 'get rich' schemes that promise high returns and low or no risk. Many of these scams are perpetrated by people posing as licensed investment professionals, estate planners, prepaid funeral consultants or salespeople with an 'incredible business opportunity.' the only business many of these people are in is robbing seniors of their hard-earned retirement funds." Publication: Preventing Senior Fraud. Nebraska Senior Anti-Fraud Education Program.

The Consumer Protection Division lists the following common senior scams:

  • Foreign Lottery Scams - warning signs that may indicate a foreign lottery scam may include: ‘you’ve won big money in a foreign lottery,’ ‘you must send money right away, ‘you have to make up your mind right away,’ ‘you don’t need to check our company with anyone.’
  • Telemarketing Fraud – warning signs of telemarketing fraud may be when seniors are asked to pay shipping and handling fees in order to get a free prize or asked to give confidential information such as a bank account number, social security number, date of birth or credit card number.
  • Sweepstakes Fraud - warning signs of sweepstakes fraud may include when seniors are notified that thy have won a contest which they did not enter or are asked to pay shipping and handling fees, or a gift tax, in order to get a free prize.
  • Charity Fraud – warning signs of charity fraud may include pressuring seniors to make a decision to donate urgently or if the charity won’t send brochures or doesn’t have a web site.
  • Investment Fraud – warning signs of investment fraud may include: offers for free financial analysis or requests for bank account, social security or other private account numbers.
  • Internet Scams - warning signs of internet scams may include when seniors receiving an urgent e-mail stating that their account with a financial institution requires an immediate response including account numbers or other important information.
  • Home Repair Scams - warning signs of internet scams may include: contractors using high-pressure sales tactics, turning a small repair into a larger repair problem, pressure to make a decision immediately, a contractor who is unwilling to provide an estimate or references or a contractor demands up-front payment for services.
  • Travel Club Fraud – warning signs may include promises for cheap senior travel, which are not fulfilled. Money is collected by the scammer and seniors are left stranded.

How to Reduce Unwanted Calls & Mail – seniors can learn how to stop telemarketing calls and unwanted junk mail by registering at the federal trade commission’s 'Do Not Call' Website

Senior Fraud Tips – seniors are encouraged to call the police or ask a trusted person for help when in doubt.

Find out more about the Preventing Senior Fraud: Anti-Fraud Education Program by the Nebraska Department Of Justice Attorney General 

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