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WHATA public education program put together with the assistance of security experts to help protect older adults from becoming victims of senior scams and fraud such as: Medicare fraud, insurance scams, health insurance fraud, credit card fraud, counterfeit prescription drug fraud, telemarking fraud, internet fraud, financial scams, home repair scams, door-to-door sales and other con schemes.
WHYTo prevent financial elder abuse along with other forms of elder abuse by educating seniors and their families through preventative measures. The program also outlines the impact of elder financial abuse on seniors, along with information on how to report senior scams and fraud.
WHEREHome Instead Senior Care. Protect Seniors from Fraud Program.
Senior Fraud Protection Kit.
Across the USA and Canada.

Program Description

"Never underestimate the resourcefulness of scammers. Some drive around neighborhoods during the day, looking for older adults working in the yard or getting their mail. Scammers make a note of addresses, return and try to sell the seniors on an unnecessary repair, such as getting their roofs fixed."

"Crimes of occasion, or opportunity, are incidents of financial abuse or exploitation that occur because the victim is merely in the way of what the perpetrator wants. The elder has money, assets, and the like, and an occasion presents itself for the perpetrator to avail himself or herself of the resource."

The Home Instead Senior Fraud Protection Kit lists top senior scams including:

Telemarketing Fraud including phone, internet, and mail fraud - scams involving phone calls, emails or mail asking seniors for personal account information and passwords.

Fake Charities - asking seniors for donations for fake charities.

Sweepstakes - scammers send seniors a fake check and then ask for a large amount in processing fees.

Medicare and Health-Care fraud –scammers ask seniors for their Medicare card number, and assume their identity.

Identity theft to Commit Credit Card Scams and Mortgage Scams – scammers ask for account numbers, Social Security number, home address, etc, and steal a seniors identity to take a loan out on their home, open credit cards, or get a line of of credit.

Financial exploitation - including online investment and securities fraud, and insurance scams.

Reasons why older adults may become victims of senior scams may be that they are more available. Seniors are home more often due to retirement or decreased mobility. Seniors may be more isolated and lonely if they live alone and chronic health issues or dementia may also make seniors easier targets for scams.

Home Instead has put together a very useful checklist to help prevent senior scams called  ‘Scam-Proof Your Senior Checklist’ along with a checklist which can help seniors and their families assess their vulnerability and risk for becoming a target of senior scams.

The Home Instead Protect Seniors from Fraud Kit also details how to report senior scams and fraud with complete information on how to contact police, the FBI, the Better Business Bureau, and how to file a fraud alert. The website also shares stories of senior fraud to help others from becoming victims.

The program has two separate guides, one kit for US Senior Fraud Protection and another kit for Canadian Senior Fraud Protection.

Aging Programs
Elder Abuse Prevention Programs
Financial Elder Abuse Prevention Programs




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